Package: agridat 1.24

agridat: Agricultural Datasets

Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture. Example graphics and analyses are included. Data come from small-plot trials, multi-environment trials, uniformity trials, yield monitors, and more.

Authors:Kevin Wright [aut, cre, cph]

agridat.pdf |agridat.html
agridat/json (API)

# Install 'agridat' in R:
install.packages('agridat', repos = c('', ''))

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Additional sources of agricultural data

Rendered fromagridat_data.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2024-09-13
Started: 2018-05-24

Example generalized linear mixed model analysis with different packages

Rendered fromagridat_mixed_model_example.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2024-07-09
Started: 2024-07-09

Graphical Gems in the agridat Package

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Last update: 2024-02-06
Started: 2023-07-27

Introduction to agridat

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Last update: 2024-02-02
Started: 2020-01-07

Notes on uniformity data

Rendered fromagridat_uniformity_data.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2025-02-16
Started: 2023-07-27

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Barley heights and environmental covariates in Norwayaastveit.barley aastveit.barley.covs aastveit.barley.height
Multi-environment trial evaluating 36 maize genotypes in 9 locationsacorsi.grayleafspot
Multi-environment trial of sorghum at 3 locations across 5 yearsadugna.sorghum
Datasets from agricultural experimentsagridat-package agridat
Multi-environment trial of cereal with lodging dataallcroft.lodging
For the 34 sheep sires, the number of lambs in each of 5 foot shape classes.alwan.lamb
Uniformity trial of wheatansari.wheat.uniformity
Split-split plot experiment of apple
Multi-environment trial of early white food cornars.earlywhitecorn96
Multi-environment trial of soybean in Australiaaustralia.soybean
Trial of wheat with nitrogen fertilizer in two fertility zonesbachmaier.nitrogen
Uniformity trial of cotton in Egyptbailey.cotton.uniformity
Uniformity trials of barley, 10 years on same groundbaker.barley.uniformity
Uniformity trial of strawberrybaker.strawberry.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatbaker.wheat.uniformity
Uniformity trial of peanutsbancroft.peanut.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize in Texas.barrero.maize
Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and batchelor.lemon.uniformity batchelor.navel1.uniformity batchelor.navel2.uniformity batchelor.valencia.uniformity batchelor.walnut.uniformity
Survey and satellite data for corn and soy areas in Iowabattese.survey
Counts of webworms in a beet field, with insecticide treatments.beall.webworms
Yields of 8 barley varieties in 1913 as used by Student.beaven.barley
Mating crosses of chickensbecker.chicken
A uniformity trial of maize in Ghana.beckett.maize.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of wheat with Augmented designbelamkar.augmented
RCB experiment of spring barley in United Kingdombesag.bayesian
Competition experiment in beans with height measurementsbesag.beans
Check variety yields in winter wheat.besag.checks
RCB experiment of wheat, 50 varieties in 3 blocks with strong spatial trend.besag.elbatan
Presence of footroot disease in an endive fieldbesag.endive
Multi-environment trial of corn, incomplete-block designbesag.met
Four-way factorial agronomic experiment in triticalebesag.triticale
Multi-environment trial of wheat, conventional and semi-dwarf varietiesblackman.wheat
Corn borer infestation under four treatmentsbliss.borers
Diallel cross of winter beansbond.diallel
Uniformity trials of barley, wheat, lentilsbose.multi.uniformity
Weight of cork samples on four sides of treesbox.cork
Uniformity trial of 4 crops on the same landbradley.multi.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of rape in Manitobabrandle.rape
Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for two treatmentsbrandt.switchback
Multi-environment trial of cucumbers in a latin square designbridges.cucumber
Long term wheat yields on Broadbalk fields at Rothamsted.broadbalk.wheat
Uniformity trial of corn at 3 locations in Iowa.bryan.corn.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of wheat in Sweden in 2016.buntaran.wheat
Incomplete block alpha designburgueno.alpha
Row-column designburgueno.rowcol
Field experiment with unreplicated genotypes plus one repeated check.burgueno.unreplicated
Multi-environment trial of maize with pedigreesbutron.maize
Diameters of
Multi-environment trial of maize with fertilizationcaribbean.maize
Germination of alfalfa seeds at various salt concentrationscarlson.germination
Nonlinear maize yield-density modelcarmer.density
Relative cotton yield for different soil potassium concentrationscate.potassium
Factorial experiment of rice, 3x5x3x3chakravertti.factorial
Fractional factorial of sugarcane, 1/3 3^5 = 3x3x3x3x3chinloy.fractionalfactorial
Competition between varieties in cottonchristidis.competition
Uniformity trial of cottonchristidis.cotton.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatchristidis.wheat.uniformity
Soil resistivity in a fieldcleveland.soil
Yield and number of plants in a sugarbeet fertilizer experimentcochran.beets
Multi-environment trial of corn, balanced incomplete block designcochran.bib
Potato scab infection with sulfur treatmentscochran.crd
Counts of eelworms before and after fumigant treatmentscochran.eelworms
Factorial experiment of beans, 2x2x2x2cochran.factorial
Latin square design in wheatcochran.latin
Balanced lattice experiment in cottoncochran.lattice
Wireworms controlled by fumigants in a latin squarecochran.wireworms
Potato yields in single-drill plotsconnolly.potato
Uniformity trial of rice in Malaysiacoombs.rice.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize for 9 cultivars at 20 locations.cornelius.maize
Multi-environment trial of corncorsten.interaction
Strip-split-plot of barley with fertilizer, calcium, and soil factors.cox.stripsplit
Cucumber yields and quantitative traitscramer.cucumber
Weight gain in pigs for different treatmentscrampton.pig
Multi-environment trial of wheat for 18 genotypes at 25 locationscrossa.wheat
Germination of Orobanche seeds for two genotypes and two treatments.crowder.seeds
Early generation variety trial in wheatcullis.earlygen
Incomplete-block experiment of maize in Ethiopia.damesa.maize
Darwin's maize data of crossed/inbred plant heightsdarwin.maize
Multi-environment trial of maizedasilva.maize
Uniformity trial of soybeandasilva.soybean.uniformity
Growth of soybean varieties in 3 yearsdavidian.soybean
Uniformity trial of pasture.davies.pasture.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatday.wheat.uniformity
Multi-environment trial with structured missing valuesdenis.missing
Multi-environment trial of perennial ryegrass in Francedenis.ryegrass
Latin square of four breeds of sheep with four dietsdepalluel.sheep
Graeco-Latin Square experiment in pinedevries.pine
Multi-environment trial of wheatdigby.jointregression
Bodyweight of cows in a 2-by-2 factorial experimentdiggle.cow
Uniformity trial of safflowerdraper.safflower.uniformity
Uniformity trial of groundnutducker.groundnut.uniformity
Sugar beet yields with competition effectsdurban.competition
Row-column experiment of spring barley, many varietiesdurban.rowcol
Split-plot experiment of barley with fungicide treatmentsdurban.splitplot
Height of barley plants in a study of non-normal dataeden.nonnormal
Potato yields in response to potash and nitrogen fertilizereden.potato
Uniformity trial of teaeden.tea.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of oats in United States, 5 locations, 7 years.edwards.oats
Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizerengelstad.nitro
Uniformity trial of sugarcaneevans.sugarcane.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize hybrids in Chinafan.stability
Wheat experiment with diagonal checksfederer.diagcheck
RCB of tobacco, height plants exposed to radiationfederer.tobacco
Multi-environment trial of 5 barley varieties, 6 locations, 2 yearsfisher.barley
Latin square experiment on mangoldsfisher.latin
Uniformity trial of wheat in Australia.forster.wheat.uniformity
Calving difficulty by calf sex and age of damfoulley.calving
Multi-environment trial of wheat, 22 varieties at 14 sites in Australiafox.wheat
Uniformity trials of oat hay and wheat graingarber.multi.uniformity
Yield monitor data from a corn field in Minnesotagartner.corn
Impact of Bt corn on non-target
Multi-environment trial of soybeans in New York, 1977 to
Multi-location/year breeding trial in Californiageorge.wheat
Straw length and ear emergence for wheat genotypes.giles.wheat
Wheat yield in South Australia with serpentine row/col effectsgilmour.serpentine
Slate Hall Farm 1978gilmour.slatehall
Fractional factorial of rice, 1/2 2^6 = 2x2x2x2x2x2gomez.fractionalfactorial
Group balanced split-plot design in ricegomez.groupsplit
RCB experiment of rice, heterogeneity of regressionsgomez.heterogeneity
RCB experiment of rice, heteroskedastic varietiesgomez.heteroskedastic
Multi-environment trial of rice, split-plot designgomez.multilocsplitplot
Soil nitrogen at three times for eight fertilizer treatmentsgomez.nitrogen
Insecticide treatment effectivenessgomez.nonnormal1
RCB experiment of rice, measuring white headsgomez.nonnormal2
RCB experiment of rice, 12 varieties with leafhopper survivalgomez.nonnormal3
Uniformity trial of ricegomez.rice.uniformity
RCB experiment of rice, 6 densitiesgomez.seedrate
Split-plot experiment of rice, with subsamplesgomez.splitplot.subsample
Split-split-plot experiment of ricegomez.splitsplit
Strip-plot experiment of ricegomez.stripplot
Strip-split-plot experiment of ricegomez.stripsplitplot
Rice yield in wet & dry seasons with nitrogen fertilizer treatmentsgomez.wetdry
Uniformity trial of oats in Polandgorski.oats.uniformity
Hessian fly damage to wheat varietiesgotway.hessianfly
Uniformity trial of barleygoulden.barley.uniformity
Sample of egg weights on 24 consecutive daysgoulden.eggs
Latin square experiment for testing fungicidegoulden.latin
Split-split-plot experiment of wheatgoulden.splitsplit
Multi-environment trial of wheat varieties with heteroskedastic yieldsgraybill.heteroskedastic
Factorial experiment of cotton in Sudan.gregory.cotton
Diallel 6x6grover.diallel
Rice RCB with subsamplesgrover.rcb.subsample
Phytophtera disease incidence in a pepper fieldgumpertz.pepper
Lettuce resistance to downy mildew resistance (with marker data)hadasch.lettuce hadasch.lettuce.markers
Wheat yields in a line-source sprinkler experimenthanks.sprinkler
Mating crosses of white pine treeshanover.whitepine
Multi-year uniformity trial in Denmarkhansen.multi.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sugar beetharitonenko.sugarbeet.uniformity
Uniformity trials with multiple crops, 15 years on the same landharris.multi.uniformity
Water use by horticultural treesharris.wateruse
Ranges of analytes in soybean from other authorsharrison.priors
Uniformity trial of tomatohartman.tomato.uniformity
Average daily gain of 65 steers for 3 lines, 9 sires.harvey.lsmeans
Birth weight of lambs from different lines/siresharville.lamb
Diallel cross of Aztec tobaccohayman.tobacco
Gross profit for 4 vegetable crops in 6 yearshazell.vegetables
Yield of corn, alfalfa, clover with two fertilizersheady.fertilizer
Uniformity trial of cabbage.heath.cabbage.uniformity
Uniformity trial of radishheath.radish.uniformity
Milk fat yields for a single cowhenderson.milkfat
Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer at 5 sites.hernandez.nitrogen
Relation between wheat yield and weather in Argentinahessling.argentina
Multi-environment trial of maize for four cropping
Counts of arthropods in a grid-sampled wheat fieldholland.arthropods
Split-strip-plot of soybeansholshouser.splitstrip
Uniformity trial of timothy grass in Norwayholtsmark.timothy.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of wheat to illustrate stability statisticshuehn.wheat
RCB experiment of grape, disease incidencehughes.grapes
Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizerhunter.corn
Uniformity trial of cottonhutchinson.cotton.uniformity
Uniformity trial with sugarcaneigue.sugarcane.uniformity
Birth weight and weaning weight of Dorper x Red Maasi lambsilri.sheep
Uniformity trial of sugarbeets, measurements of yield, sugar, purityimmer.sugarbeet.uniformity
Percent ground cover of herbage species and nettles.ivins.herbs
Uniformity trials of wheat in Indiaiyer.wheat.uniformity
Infestation of apple shoots by apple
Infestation of carrots by fly larvaejansen.carrot
Ordered disease ratings of strawberry crosses.jansen.strawberry
Bamboo progeny trialjayaraman.bamboo
Uniformity trial of oats in Russiajegorow.oats.uniformity
Yields from treatment for mildew controljenkyn.mildew
Alpha lattice design of spring oatsjohn.alpha
Potato blight due to weather in Prosser, Washingtonjohnson.blight
A study of small-plots of old-growth Douglas Fir in Oregon.johnson.douglasfir
Uniformity trial of corn.jones.corn.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheat in Russiajurowski.wheat.uniformity
Uniformity trial of milletkadam.millet.uniformity
Uniformity trial of potatoeskalamkar.potato.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatkalamkar.wheat.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize in Louisianna at 4 locs in 3 yearskang.maize
Multi-environment trial of peanuts for 10 genotypes in 15 environmentskang.peanut
Turfgrass ratings for different treatmentskarcher.turfgrass
Yield monitor data for 4 cuttings of alfalfa in Saudi Arabia.kayad.alfalfa
Damage to potato tubers from lifting rods.keen.potatodamage
Uniformity trial of barleykempton.barley.uniformity
Sugar beet trial with competition effectskempton.competition
Row-column experiment of wheatkempton.rowcol
Slate Hall Farm 1976 spring wheatkempton.slatehall
Repeated measurement of weights of calves with two treatments.kenward.cattle
Uniformity trials of sugarcane, 4 fieldskerr.sugarcane.uniformity
Uniformity trial of brassica.khan.brassica.uniformity
Uniformity trial of ricekhin.rice.uniformity
Uniformity trial of oatskiesselbach.oats.uniformity
Variety trial of potatoes, highly replicatedkirk.potato
Augmented design of meadowfoamkling.augmented
Uniformity trial of potato in Poland.kotowski.potato.uniformity
Growth of maize plants in Germany during 1875-1878kreusler.maize
Uniformity trial of barleykristensen.barley.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sorghumkulkarni.sorghum.uniformity
Average monthly soil temperature near Zurichlambert.soiltemp
Uniformity trials of wheat and chari, 4 years on the same land.lander.multi.uniformity
Uniformity trial of timothy grass in Norwaylarsen.timothy.uniformity
Yield monitor data for a corn field in Argentina with variable nitrogen.lasrosas.corn
Height of Eucalyptus trees in southern Brazillavoranti.eucalyptus
Uniformity trials of tealaycock.tea.uniformity
Repeated measurements of resistance to potato blightlee.potatoblight
Uniformity trial of millet in Indialehmann.millet.uniformity
Uniformity trial of rice in Indialehmann.rice.uniformity
Yield, white mold, and sclerotia for soybeans in Brazillehner.soybeanmold
Uniformity trial of sorghumlessman.sorghum.uniformity
Uniformity trial of milletli.millet.uniformity
Load multiple packages and install if neededlibs
Multi-environment trial of wheat susceptibile to powdery mildewlillemo.wheat
Multi-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 12 locationslin.superiority
Multi-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 18 locationslin.unbalanced
Multi-environment trial of wheat in Switzerlandlinder.wheat
Split-block experiment of sugar beetslittle.splitblock
Uniformity trial of white pea beansloesell.bean.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize, half diallellonnquist.maize
Uniformity trial of ricelord.rice.uniformity
Uniformity trial of cottonlove.cotton.uniformity
Uniformity Trial of Sugarcane in Puerto Ricolove.sugarcane.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of maize, to illustrate stability statisticslu.stability
Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 3 treatmentslucas.switchback
Uniformity trial of potatoeslyon.potato.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of winter wheat at 12 sites in 4 years.lyons.wheat
Uniformity trial of pineapplemagistad.pineapple.uniformity
Uniformity trial of ricemasood.rice.uniformity
Uniformity trial of cornmcclelland.corn.uniformity
RCB experiment of turnipsmcconway.turnip
Uniformity trial of cotton in South Rhodesiamckinstry.cotton.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of barley in South Canterbury with yield and yield componentsmcleod.barley
Leaves for cauliflower plants at different timesmead.cauliflower
Intercropping experiment of maize/cowpeamead.cowpea.maize
Seed germination with different temperatures/concentrationsmead.germination
Number of lambs born to 3 breeds on 3 farmsmead.lamb
RCB experiment of strawberrymead.strawberry
Density/spacing experiment for turnips in 3 blocks.mead.turnip
Uniformity trial of mangoldsmercer.mangold.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatmercer.wheat.uniformity
Biomass of 3 crops in Greecemiguez.biomass
Monthly weather at 6 sites in Minnesota
Multi-environment trial of barley in Minnesota at 6 sites in 1927-1936.minnesota.barley.yield
Uniformity trial of wheat, 2 years on the same landmontgomery.wheat.uniformity
Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflowermoore.bushbean.uniformity moore.carrot.uniformity moore.fallcauliflower.uniformity moore.polebean.uniformity moore.springcauliflower.uniformity moore.sweetcorn.uniformity
Uniformity trial of strawberrynagai.strawberry.uniformity
Uniformity trial of turmeric.nair.turmeric.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sorghumnarain.sorghum.uniformity
U.S. historical crop yields by statenass.barley nass.corn nass.cotton nass.hay nass.rice nass.sorghum nass.soybean nass.wheat
Nebraska farm income in 2007 by countynebraska.farmincome
Uniformity trial of canning peasnonnecke.peas.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sweet cornnonnecke.sweetcorn.uniformity
Uniformity trial of potato in Africa 2001obsi.potato.uniformity
Uniformity trials of soy hay and soybeansodland.soybean.uniformity odland.soyhay.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of sorghum, 6 environmentsomer.sorghum
Multi-environment trial of winter wheat, 7 yearsonofri.winterwheat
Multi-environment trial of tomato in Latin America, weight/yield and environmental covariatesortiz.tomato ortiz.tomato.covs ortiz.tomato.yield
Multi-environment trial of soybean in Brazil.pacheco.soybean
Uniformity trial of
Uniformity trial of cottonpanse.cotton.uniformity
Uniformity trial of
Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 4 treatmentspatterson.switchback
Long term rotation experiment at Rothamstedpayne.wheat
Apple tree yields for 6 treatments with
Counts of yellow/white and sweet/starchy maize kernels by 15 observerspearl.kernels
Repeated measurements of lettuce growthpederson.lettuce.repeated
Multi-environment trial of wheat cultivars introduced 1860-1982.perry.springwheat
Intercropping experiment of sorghum/cowpeapetersen.sorghum.cowpea
Uniformity trial of barleypiepho.barley.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of cock's foot, heading dates for 25 varieties in 7 yearspiepho.cocksfoot
Uniformity trial of safflowerpolson.safflower.uniformity
Uniformity trial of groundnutrangaswamy.groundnut.uniformity
Onion yields for different densities at two locationsratkowsky.onions
Yields of four grasses for a wide range of nitrogen fertilizerreid.grasses
Modified Latin Square experiments of wheatriddle.wheat
Root counts for propagated columnar apple shoots.ridout.appleshoots
Uniformity trial of peanutsrobinson.peanut.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sugar beetsroemer.sugarbeet.uniformity
RCB experiment of brussels sprouts, 9 fertilizer
RCB experiment of oats, straw and grain, 9 fertilizer treatmentsrothamsted.oats
RCB experiment of groundut, wet and dry yieldsryder.groundnut
Fungus infection in varieties of wheatsalmon.bunt
Uniformity trial of maize in South Africasaunders.maize.uniformity
Uniformity trials of wheat, swedes, oats, 3 years on the same landsawyer.multi.uniformity
Uniformity trial of sugarcane in India, 1932, 1933 & 1934.sayer.sugarcane.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of rice, with solar radiation and temperaturesenshu.rice
Uniformity trial of tomatoshafi.tomato.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of rapeseed in U.S.shafii.rapeseed
Multi-environment trialsharma.met
Multi-environment trial of oats in Indiashaw.oats
Uniformity trials of cotton in Chinasiao.cotton.uniformity
Number of cotton bolls for different levels of defoliation.silva.cotton
Clover yields in a factorial fertilizer experimentsinclair.clover
Uniformity trials of beans, 2 species in 2 yearssmith.beans.uniformity
Uniformity trial of corn, 3 years on same groundsmith.corn.uniformity
Uniformity trial of wheatsmith.wheat.uniformity
Asparagus yields for different cutting treatmentssnedecor.asparagus
Fusarium infection in wheat varietiessnijders.fusarium
Uniformity trial of sorghum silagestephens.sorghum.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of barley, phenotypic and genotypic data for a population of Steptoe x Morexsteptoe.morex.geno steptoe.morex.pheno
Uniformity trial of sorghumstickler.sorghum.uniformity
Corn borer control by application of fungal spores.stirret.borers
Competition experiment between barley and sinapis.streibig.competition
Uniformity trial in
Uniformity trial of grapestrickland.grape.uniformity
Uniformity trial of peachstrickland.peach.uniformity
Uniformity trial of tomatostrickland.tomato.uniformity
RCB experiment of wheat at the Nebraska Intrastate Nurserystroup.nin
Split-plot experiment of simulated datastroup.splitplot
Multi-environment trial of barleystudent.barley
Uniformity trial of maize, oat, alfalfa, mangoldssummerby.multi.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of potatotai.potato
Multi-environment trial of potato in UK, yields and trait scores at 12 locationstalbot.potato talbot.potato.traits talbot.potato.yield
Multi-environment trial of millettesfaye.millet
Multi-environment trial of barley, multiple years & fertilizer levelstheobald.barley
Multi-environment trial of corn silage, Year * Loc * Variety with covariatetheobald.covariate
Multi-environment trial of corn & soybean, 1930-1962, with temperature and precipitationthompson.cornsoy
Uniformity trial of winter/spring wheattulaikow.wheat.uniformity
Herbicide control of larkspurturner.herbicide
Weight gain calves in a feedloturquhart.feedlot
Concentrations of herbicides in streams in the United Statesusgs.herbicides
Multi-environment trial of maize, dry matter contentvaneeuwijk.drymatter
Infection of wheat varieties by Fusarium strains from 1990 to 1993vaneeuwijk.fusarium
Number of cysts on 11 potato genotypes for 5 potato cyst nematode populations.vaneeuwijk.nematodes
Treatment x environment interaction in agronomy trialsvargas.txe vargas.txe.covs vargas.txe.yield
Wheat yields in 7 years with genetic and environment covariatesvargas.wheat1 vargas.wheat1.covs vargas.wheat1.traits
Multi-environment trial of wheat with environmental covariatesvargas.wheat2 vargas.wheat2.covs vargas.wheat2.yield
Multi-environment trial of lupin, multiple varieties and
Uniformity trial of ricevishnaadevi.rice.uniformity
Long-term barley yields at different fertilizer levelsvold.longterm
Multi-environment trial of lupin, early generation trialvsn.lupin3
Iowa farmland values by county in 1925wallace.iowaland
Acres and price of cotton 1910-1943walsh.cottonprice
Uniformity trials of bromegrasswassom.brome.uniformity
Soil nitrogen and carbon in two fieldswaynick.soil
Multi-environment trial of barley, percent of leaves affected by leaf blotchwedderburn.barley
Soybean balanced incomplete block experimentweiss.incblock
Lattice experiment in soybeans.weiss.lattice
Factorial experiment of bermuda grass, 4x4x4, N, P, K fertilizerswelch.bermudagrass
Insecticide treatments for carrot fly larvaewheatley.carrot
Uniformity trial of wheatwiebe.wheat.uniformity
Uniformity trial of safflowerwiedemann.safflower.uniformity
Uniformity trial of barleywilliams.barley.uniformity
Uniformity trial of cottonwilliams.cotton.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of trees, height / survival of 37 species at 6 sites in Thailandwilliams.trees
Weight gain in pigs for different treatmentswoodman.pig
Uniformity trial of oats and wheat on the same ground.wyatt.multi.uniformity
Multi-environment trial of winter wheat in Ontarioyan.winterwheat
Multi-environment trial of barley in Alberta, 6 varieties at 18 locations in Alberta.yang.barley
Factorial experiment of potato, 3x3 with missing valuesyates.missing
Split-plot experiment of oatsyates.oats
Daily weight, feed, egg measurements for a broiler chickenzuidhof.broiler