Package: agridat 1.24

agridat: Agricultural Datasets
Datasets from books, papers, and websites related to agriculture. Example graphics and analyses are included. Data come from small-plot trials, multi-environment trials, uniformity trials, yield monitors, and more.
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# Install 'agridat' in R: |
install.packages('agridat', repos = c('', '')) |
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- aastveit.barley.covs - Barley heights and environmental covariates in Norway
- aastveit.barley.height - Barley heights and environmental covariates in Norway
- acorsi.grayleafspot - Multi-environment trial evaluating 36 maize genotypes in 9 locations
- adugna.sorghum - Multi-environment trial of sorghum at 3 locations across 5 years
- allcroft.lodging - Multi-environment trial of cereal with lodging data
- alwan.lamb - For the 34 sheep sires, the number of lambs in each of 5 foot shape classes.
- ansari.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- - Split-split plot experiment of apple trees
- ars.earlywhitecorn96 - Multi-environment trial of early white food corn
- australia.soybean - Multi-environment trial of soybean in Australia
- bachmaier.nitrogen - Trial of wheat with nitrogen fertilizer in two fertility zones
- bailey.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton in Egypt
- baker.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trials of barley, 10 years on same ground
- baker.strawberry.uniformity - Uniformity trial of strawberry
- baker.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- bancroft.peanut.uniformity - Uniformity trial of peanuts
- barrero.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize in Texas.
- - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- batchelor.lemon.uniformity - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- batchelor.navel1.uniformity - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- batchelor.navel2.uniformity - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- batchelor.valencia.uniformity - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- batchelor.walnut.uniformity - Uniformity trials of apples, lemons, oranges, and walnuts
- battese.survey - Survey and satellite data for corn and soy areas in Iowa
- beall.webworms - Counts of webworms in a beet field, with insecticide treatments.
- beaven.barley - Yields of 8 barley varieties in 1913 as used by Student.
- becker.chicken - Mating crosses of chickens
- beckett.maize.uniformity - A uniformity trial of maize in Ghana.
- belamkar.augmented - Multi-environment trial of wheat with Augmented design
- besag.bayesian - RCB experiment of spring barley in United Kingdom
- besag.beans - Competition experiment in beans with height measurements
- besag.checks - Check variety yields in winter wheat.
- besag.elbatan - RCB experiment of wheat, 50 varieties in 3 blocks with strong spatial trend.
- besag.endive - Presence of footroot disease in an endive field
- besag.met - Multi-environment trial of corn, incomplete-block design
- besag.triticale - Four-way factorial agronomic experiment in triticale
- blackman.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat, conventional and semi-dwarf varieties
- bliss.borers - Corn borer infestation under four treatments
- bond.diallel - Diallel cross of winter beans
- bose.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trials of barley, wheat, lentils
- box.cork - Weight of cork samples on four sides of trees
- bradley.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trial of 4 crops on the same land
- brandle.rape - Multi-environment trial of rape in Manitoba
- brandt.switchback - Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for two treatments
- bridges.cucumber - Multi-environment trial of cucumbers in a latin square design
- broadbalk.wheat - Long term wheat yields on Broadbalk fields at Rothamsted.
- bryan.corn.uniformity - Uniformity trial of corn at 3 locations in Iowa.
- buntaran.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat in Sweden in 2016.
- burgueno.alpha - Incomplete block alpha design
- burgueno.rowcol - Row-column design
- burgueno.unreplicated - Field experiment with unreplicated genotypes plus one repeated check.
- butron.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize with pedigrees
- - Diameters of apples
- caribbean.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize with fertilization
- carlson.germination - Germination of alfalfa seeds at various salt concentrations
- carmer.density - Nonlinear maize yield-density model
- cate.potassium - Relative cotton yield for different soil potassium concentrations
- chakravertti.factorial - Factorial experiment of rice, 3x5x3x3
- chinloy.fractionalfactorial - Fractional factorial of sugarcane, 1/3 3^5 = 3x3x3x3x3
- christidis.competition - Competition between varieties in cotton
- christidis.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton
- christidis.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- cleveland.soil - Soil resistivity in a field
- cochran.beets - Yield and number of plants in a sugarbeet fertilizer experiment
- cochran.bib - Multi-environment trial of corn, balanced incomplete block design
- cochran.crd - Potato scab infection with sulfur treatments
- cochran.eelworms - Counts of eelworms before and after fumigant treatments
- cochran.factorial - Factorial experiment of beans, 2x2x2x2
- cochran.latin - Latin square design in wheat
- cochran.lattice - Balanced lattice experiment in cotton
- cochran.wireworms - Wireworms controlled by fumigants in a latin square
- connolly.potato - Potato yields in single-drill plots
- coombs.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice in Malaysia
- cornelius.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize for 9 cultivars at 20 locations.
- corsten.interaction - Multi-environment trial of corn
- cox.stripsplit - Strip-split-plot of barley with fertilizer, calcium, and soil factors.
- cramer.cucumber - Cucumber yields and quantitative traits
- crampton.pig - Weight gain in pigs for different treatments
- crossa.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat for 18 genotypes at 25 locations
- crowder.seeds - Germination of Orobanche seeds for two genotypes and two treatments.
- cullis.earlygen - Early generation variety trial in wheat
- damesa.maize - Incomplete-block experiment of maize in Ethiopia.
- darwin.maize - Darwin's maize data of crossed/inbred plant heights
- dasilva.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize
- dasilva.soybean.uniformity - Uniformity trial of soybean
- davidian.soybean - Growth of soybean varieties in 3 years
- davies.pasture.uniformity - Uniformity trial of pasture.
- day.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- denis.missing - Multi-environment trial with structured missing values
- denis.ryegrass - Multi-environment trial of perennial ryegrass in France
- depalluel.sheep - Latin square of four breeds of sheep with four diets
- devries.pine - Graeco-Latin Square experiment in pine
- digby.jointregression - Multi-environment trial of wheat
- diggle.cow - Bodyweight of cows in a 2-by-2 factorial experiment
- draper.safflower.uniformity - Uniformity trial of safflower
- ducker.groundnut.uniformity - Uniformity trial of groundnut
- durban.competition - Sugar beet yields with competition effects
- durban.rowcol - Row-column experiment of spring barley, many varieties
- durban.splitplot - Split-plot experiment of barley with fungicide treatments
- eden.nonnormal - Height of barley plants in a study of non-normal data
- eden.potato - Potato yields in response to potash and nitrogen fertilizer
- eden.tea.uniformity - Uniformity trial of tea
- edwards.oats - Multi-environment trial of oats in United States, 5 locations, 7 years.
- engelstad.nitro - Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer
- evans.sugarcane.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sugarcane
- fan.stability - Multi-environment trial of maize hybrids in China
- federer.diagcheck - Wheat experiment with diagonal checks
- federer.tobacco - RCB of tobacco, height plants exposed to radiation
- fisher.barley - Multi-environment trial of 5 barley varieties, 6 locations, 2 years
- fisher.latin - Latin square experiment on mangolds
- forster.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat in Australia.
- foulley.calving - Calving difficulty by calf sex and age of dam
- fox.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat, 22 varieties at 14 sites in Australia
- garber.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trials of oat hay and wheat grain
- gartner.corn - Yield monitor data from a corn field in Minnesota
- - Impact of Bt corn on non-target species
- - Multi-environment trial of soybeans in New York, 1977 to 1988
- george.wheat - Multi-location/year breeding trial in California
- giles.wheat - Straw length and ear emergence for wheat genotypes.
- gilmour.serpentine - Wheat yield in South Australia with serpentine row/col effects
- gilmour.slatehall - Slate Hall Farm 1978
- gomez.fractionalfactorial - Fractional factorial of rice, 1/2 2^6 = 2x2x2x2x2x2
- gomez.groupsplit - Group balanced split-plot design in rice
- gomez.heterogeneity - RCB experiment of rice, heterogeneity of regressions
- gomez.heteroskedastic - RCB experiment of rice, heteroskedastic varieties
- gomez.multilocsplitplot - Multi-environment trial of rice, split-plot design
- gomez.nitrogen - Soil nitrogen at three times for eight fertilizer treatments
- gomez.nonnormal1 - Insecticide treatment effectiveness
- gomez.nonnormal2 - RCB experiment of rice, measuring white heads
- gomez.nonnormal3 - RCB experiment of rice, 12 varieties with leafhopper survival
- gomez.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice
- gomez.seedrate - RCB experiment of rice, 6 densities
- gomez.splitplot.subsample - Split-plot experiment of rice, with subsamples
- gomez.splitsplit - Split-split-plot experiment of rice
- gomez.stripplot - Strip-plot experiment of rice
- gomez.stripsplitplot - Strip-split-plot experiment of rice
- gomez.wetdry - Rice yield in wet & dry seasons with nitrogen fertilizer treatments
- gorski.oats.uniformity - Uniformity trial of oats in Poland
- gotway.hessianfly - Hessian fly damage to wheat varieties
- goulden.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trial of barley
- goulden.eggs - Sample of egg weights on 24 consecutive days
- goulden.latin - Latin square experiment for testing fungicide
- goulden.splitsplit - Split-split-plot experiment of wheat
- graybill.heteroskedastic - Multi-environment trial of wheat varieties with heteroskedastic yields
- gregory.cotton - Factorial experiment of cotton in Sudan.
- grover.diallel - Diallel 6x6
- grover.rcb.subsample - Rice RCB with subsamples
- gumpertz.pepper - Phytophtera disease incidence in a pepper field
- hadasch.lettuce - Lettuce resistance to downy mildew resistance
- hadasch.lettuce.markers - Lettuce resistance to downy mildew resistance
- hanks.sprinkler - Wheat yields in a line-source sprinkler experiment
- hanover.whitepine - Mating crosses of white pine trees
- hansen.multi.uniformity - Multi-year uniformity trial in Denmark
- haritonenko.sugarbeet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sugar beet
- harris.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trials with multiple crops, 15 years on the same land
- harris.wateruse - Water use by horticultural trees
- harrison.priors - Ranges of analytes in soybean from other authors
- hartman.tomato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of tomato
- harvey.lsmeans - Average daily gain of 65 steers for 3 lines, 9 sires.
- harville.lamb - Birth weight of lambs from different lines/sires
- hayman.tobacco - Diallel cross of Aztec tobacco
- hazell.vegetables - Gross profit for 4 vegetable crops in 6 years
- heady.fertilizer - Yield of corn, alfalfa, clover with two fertilizers
- heath.cabbage.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cabbage.
- heath.radish.uniformity - Uniformity trial of radish
- henderson.milkfat - Milk fat yields for a single cow
- hernandez.nitrogen - Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer at 5 sites.
- hessling.argentina - Relation between wheat yield and weather in Argentina
- - Multi-environment trial of maize for four cropping systems
- holland.arthropods - Counts of arthropods in a grid-sampled wheat field
- holshouser.splitstrip - Split-strip-plot of soybeans
- holtsmark.timothy.uniformity - Uniformity trial of timothy grass in Norway
- huehn.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat to illustrate stability statistics
- hughes.grapes - RCB experiment of grape, disease incidence
- hunter.corn - Multi-environment trial of corn with nitrogen fertilizer
- hutchinson.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton
- igue.sugarcane.uniformity - Uniformity trial with sugarcane
- ilri.sheep - Birth weight and weaning weight of Dorper x Red Maasi lambs
- immer.sugarbeet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sugarbeets, measurements of yield, sugar, purity
- ivins.herbs - Percent ground cover of herbage species and nettles.
- iyer.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trials of wheat in India
- - Infestation of apple shoots by apple canker.
- jansen.carrot - Infestation of carrots by fly larvae
- jansen.strawberry - Ordered disease ratings of strawberry crosses.
- jayaraman.bamboo - Bamboo progeny trial
- jegorow.oats.uniformity - Uniformity trial of oats in Russia
- jenkyn.mildew - Yields from treatment for mildew control
- john.alpha - Alpha lattice design of spring oats
- johnson.blight - Potato blight due to weather in Prosser, Washington
- johnson.douglasfir - A study of small-plots of old-growth Douglas Fir in Oregon.
- jones.corn.uniformity - Uniformity trial of corn.
- jurowski.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat in Russia
- kadam.millet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of millet
- kalamkar.potato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of potatoes
- kalamkar.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- kang.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize in Louisianna at 4 locs in 3 years
- kang.peanut - Multi-environment trial of peanuts for 10 genotypes in 15 environments
- karcher.turfgrass - Turfgrass ratings for different treatments
- kayad.alfalfa - Yield monitor data for 4 cuttings of alfalfa in Saudi Arabia.
- keen.potatodamage - Damage to potato tubers from lifting rods.
- kempton.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trial of barley
- kempton.competition - Sugar beet trial with competition effects
- kempton.rowcol - Row-column experiment of wheat
- kempton.slatehall - Slate Hall Farm 1976 spring wheat
- kenward.cattle - Repeated measurement of weights of calves with two treatments.
- kerr.sugarcane.uniformity - Uniformity trials of sugarcane, 4 fields
- khan.brassica.uniformity - Uniformity trial of brassica.
- khin.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice
- kiesselbach.oats.uniformity - Uniformity trial of oats
- kirk.potato - Variety trial of potatoes, highly replicated
- kling.augmented - Augmented design of meadowfoam
- kotowski.potato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of potato in Poland.
- kreusler.maize - Growth of maize plants in Germany during 1875-1878
- kristensen.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trial of barley
- kulkarni.sorghum.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sorghum
- lambert.soiltemp - Average monthly soil temperature near Zurich
- lander.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trials of wheat and chari, 4 years on the same land.
- larsen.timothy.uniformity - Uniformity trial of timothy grass in Norway
- lasrosas.corn - Yield monitor data for a corn field in Argentina with variable nitrogen.
- lavoranti.eucalyptus - Height of Eucalyptus trees in southern Brazil
- laycock.tea.uniformity - Uniformity trials of tea
- lee.potatoblight - Repeated measurements of resistance to potato blight
- lehmann.millet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of millet in India
- lehmann.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice in India
- lehner.soybeanmold - Yield, white mold, and sclerotia for soybeans in Brazil
- lessman.sorghum.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sorghum
- li.millet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of millet
- lillemo.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat susceptibile to powdery mildew
- lin.superiority - Multi-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 12 locations
- lin.unbalanced - Multi-environment trial of 33 barley genotypes in 18 locations
- linder.wheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat in Switzerland
- little.splitblock - Split-block experiment of sugar beets
- loesell.bean.uniformity - Uniformity trial of white pea beans
- lonnquist.maize - Multi-environment trial of maize, half diallel
- lord.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice
- love.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton
- love.sugarcane.uniformity - Uniformity Trial of Sugarcane in Puerto Rico
- lu.stability - Multi-environment trial of maize, to illustrate stability statistics
- lucas.switchback - Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 3 treatments
- lyon.potato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of potatoes
- lyons.wheat - Multi-environment trial of winter wheat at 12 sites in 4 years.
- magistad.pineapple.uniformity - Uniformity trial of pineapple
- masood.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice
- mcclelland.corn.uniformity - Uniformity trial of corn
- mcconway.turnip - RCB experiment of turnips
- mckinstry.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton in South Rhodesia
- mcleod.barley - Multi-environment trial of barley in South Canterbury with yield and yield components
- mead.cauliflower - Leaves for cauliflower plants at different times
- mead.cowpea.maize - Intercropping experiment of maize/cowpea
- mead.germination - Seed germination with different temperatures/concentrations
- mead.lamb - Number of lambs born to 3 breeds on 3 farms
- mead.strawberry - RCB experiment of strawberry
- mead.turnip - Density/spacing experiment for turnips in 3 blocks.
- mercer.mangold.uniformity - Uniformity trial of mangolds
- mercer.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- miguez.biomass - Biomass of 3 crops in Greece
- - Monthly weather at 6 sites in Minnesota 1927-1936.
- minnesota.barley.yield - Multi-environment trial of barley in Minnesota at 6 sites in 1927-1936.
- montgomery.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat, 2 years on the same land
- moore.bushbean.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- moore.carrot.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- moore.fallcauliflower.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- moore.polebean.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- moore.springcauliflower.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- moore.sweetcorn.uniformity - Uniformity trials of pole beans, bush beans, sweet corn, carrots, spring and fall cauliflower
- nagai.strawberry.uniformity - Uniformity trial of strawberry
- nair.turmeric.uniformity - Uniformity trial of turmeric.
- narain.sorghum.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sorghum
- nass.barley - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.corn - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.cotton - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.hay - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.rice - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.sorghum - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.soybean - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nass.wheat - U.S. historical crop yields by state
- nebraska.farmincome - Nebraska farm income in 2007 by county
- nonnecke.peas.uniformity - Uniformity trial of canning peas
- nonnecke.sweetcorn.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sweet corn
- obsi.potato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of potato in Africa 2001
- odland.soybean.uniformity - Uniformity trials of soy hay and soybeans
- odland.soyhay.uniformity - Uniformity trials of soy hay and soybeans
- omer.sorghum - Multi-environment trial of sorghum, 6 environments
- onofri.winterwheat - Multi-environment trial of winter wheat, 7 years
- ortiz.tomato.covs - Multi-environment trial of tomato in Latin America, weight/yield and environmental covariates
- ortiz.tomato.yield - Multi-environment trial of tomato in Latin America, weight/yield and environmental covariates
- pacheco.soybean - Multi-environment trial of soybean in Brazil.
- - Uniformity trial of coffee
- panse.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton
- - Uniformity trial of oranges
- patterson.switchback - Switchback experiment on dairy cattle, milk yield for 4 treatments
- payne.wheat - Long term rotation experiment at Rothamsted
- - Apple tree yields for 6 treatments with covariate
- pearl.kernels - Counts of yellow/white and sweet/starchy maize kernels by 15 observers
- pederson.lettuce.repeated - Repeated measurements of lettuce growth
- perry.springwheat - Multi-environment trial of wheat cultivars introduced 1860-1982.
- petersen.sorghum.cowpea - Intercropping experiment of sorghum/cowpea
- piepho.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trial of barley
- piepho.cocksfoot - Multi-environment trial of cock's foot, heading dates for 25 varieties in 7 years
- polson.safflower.uniformity - Uniformity trial of safflower
- rangaswamy.groundnut.uniformity - Uniformity trial of groundnut
- ratkowsky.onions - Onion yields for different densities at two locations
- reid.grasses - Yields of four grasses for a wide range of nitrogen fertilizer
- riddle.wheat - Modified Latin Square experiments of wheat
- ridout.appleshoots - Root counts for propagated columnar apple shoots.
- robinson.peanut.uniformity - Uniformity trial of peanuts
- roemer.sugarbeet.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sugar beets
- - RCB experiment of brussels sprouts, 9 fertilizer treatments
- rothamsted.oats - RCB experiment of oats, straw and grain, 9 fertilizer treatments
- ryder.groundnut - RCB experiment of groundut, wet and dry yields
- salmon.bunt - Fungus infection in varieties of wheat
- saunders.maize.uniformity - Uniformity trial of maize in South Africa
- sawyer.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trials of wheat, swedes, oats, 3 years on the same land
- sayer.sugarcane.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sugarcane in India, 1932, 1933 & 1934.
- senshu.rice - Multi-environment trial of rice, with solar radiation and temperature
- shafi.tomato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of tomato
- shafii.rapeseed - Multi-environment trial of rapeseed in U.S.
- sharma.met - Multi-environment trial
- shaw.oats - Multi-environment trial of oats in India
- siao.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trials of cotton in China
- silva.cotton - Number of cotton bolls for different levels of defoliation.
- sinclair.clover - Clover yields in a factorial fertilizer experiment
- smith.beans.uniformity - Uniformity trials of beans, 2 species in 2 years
- smith.corn.uniformity - Uniformity trial of corn, 3 years on same ground
- smith.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- snedecor.asparagus - Asparagus yields for different cutting treatments
- snijders.fusarium - Fusarium infection in wheat varieties
- stephens.sorghum.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sorghum silage
- steptoe.morex.geno - Multi-environment trial of barley, phenotypic and genotypic data for a population of Steptoe x Morex
- steptoe.morex.pheno - Multi-environment trial of barley, phenotypic and genotypic data for a population of Steptoe x Morex
- stickler.sorghum.uniformity - Uniformity trial of sorghum
- stirret.borers - Corn borer control by application of fungal spores.
- streibig.competition - Competition experiment between barley and sinapis.
- - Uniformity trial in apple
- strickland.grape.uniformity - Uniformity trial of grape
- strickland.peach.uniformity - Uniformity trial of peach
- strickland.tomato.uniformity - Uniformity trial of tomato
- stroup.nin - RCB experiment of wheat at the Nebraska Intrastate Nursery
- stroup.splitplot - Split-plot experiment of simulated data
- student.barley - Multi-environment trial of barley
- summerby.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trial of maize, oat, alfalfa, mangolds
- tai.potato - Multi-environment trial of potato
- talbot.potato.traits - Multi-environment trial of potato in UK, yields and trait scores at 12 locations
- talbot.potato.yield - Multi-environment trial of potato in UK, yields and trait scores at 12 locations
- tesfaye.millet - Multi-environment trial of millet
- theobald.barley - Multi-environment trial of barley, multiple years & fertilizer levels
- theobald.covariate - Multi-environment trial of corn silage, Year * Loc * Variety with covariate
- thompson.cornsoy - Multi-environment trial of corn & soybean, 1930-1962, with temperature and precipitation
- tulaikow.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of winter/spring wheat
- turner.herbicide - Herbicide control of larkspur
- urquhart.feedlot - Weight gain calves in a feedlot
- usgs.herbicides - Concentrations of herbicides in streams in the United States
- vaneeuwijk.drymatter - Multi-environment trial of maize, dry matter content
- vaneeuwijk.fusarium - Infection of wheat varieties by Fusarium strains from 1990 to 1993
- vaneeuwijk.nematodes - Number of cysts on 11 potato genotypes for 5 potato cyst nematode populations.
- vargas.txe.covs - Treatment x environment interaction in agronomy trials
- vargas.txe.yield - Treatment x environment interaction in agronomy trials
- vargas.wheat1.covs - Wheat yields in 7 years with genetic and environment covariates
- vargas.wheat1.traits - Wheat yields in 7 years with genetic and environment covariates
- vargas.wheat2.covs - Multi-environment trial of wheat with environmental covariates
- vargas.wheat2.yield - Multi-environment trial of wheat with environmental covariates
- - Multi-environment trial of lupin, multiple varieties and densities
- vishnaadevi.rice.uniformity - Uniformity trial of rice
- vold.longterm - Long-term barley yields at different fertilizer levels
- vsn.lupin3 - Multi-environment trial of lupin, early generation trial
- wallace.iowaland - Iowa farmland values by county in 1925
- walsh.cottonprice - Acres and price of cotton 1910-1943
- wassom.brome.uniformity - Uniformity trials of bromegrass
- waynick.soil - Soil nitrogen and carbon in two fields
- wedderburn.barley - Multi-environment trial of barley, percent of leaves affected by leaf blotch
- weiss.incblock - Soybean balanced incomplete block experiment
- weiss.lattice - Lattice experiment in soybeans.
- welch.bermudagrass - Factorial experiment of bermuda grass, 4x4x4, N, P, K fertilizers
- wheatley.carrot - Insecticide treatments for carrot fly larvae
- wiebe.wheat.uniformity - Uniformity trial of wheat
- wiedemann.safflower.uniformity - Uniformity trial of safflower
- williams.barley.uniformity - Uniformity trial of barley
- williams.cotton.uniformity - Uniformity trial of cotton
- williams.trees - Multi-environment trial of trees, height / survival of 37 species at 6 sites in Thailand
- woodman.pig - Weight gain in pigs for different treatments
- wyatt.multi.uniformity - Uniformity trial of oats and wheat on the same ground.
- yan.winterwheat - Multi-environment trial of winter wheat in Ontario
- yang.barley - Multi-environment trial of barley in Alberta, 6 varieties at 18 locations in Alberta.
- yates.missing - Factorial experiment of potato, 3x3 with missing values
- yates.oats - Split-plot experiment of oats
- zuidhof.broiler - Daily weight, feed, egg measurements for a broiler chicken
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Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Feb 16 2025 |
Additional sources of agricultural data
Rendered fromagridat_data.Rmd
on Feb 16 2025.Last update: 2024-09-13
Started: 2018-05-24
Example generalized linear mixed model analysis with different packages
Rendered fromagridat_mixed_model_example.Rmd
on Feb 16 2025.Last update: 2024-07-09
Started: 2024-07-09
Graphical Gems in the agridat Package
Rendered fromagridat_graphical_gems.Rmd
on Feb 16 2025.Last update: 2024-02-06
Started: 2023-07-27
Introduction to agridat
Rendered fromagridat_intro.Rmd
on Feb 16 2025.Last update: 2024-02-02
Started: 2020-01-07
Notes on uniformity data
Rendered fromagridat_uniformity_data.Rmd
on Feb 16 2025.Last update: 2025-02-16
Started: 2023-07-27